Metawindow for Railway
Standard noise barriers are either transparent and sound reflective or not transparent (metal, wood, plastic) and sound absorbing.
Transparent noise barriers enable the acoustic solution to do not block the view of landscape, but they are not effective for the noise problem since noise gets reflected, therefore they’re used MetaWindow is the first transparent and high absorbing panel, it has been developed for railway application together with Deutsche Bahn.

Phononic Vibes has developed and certified the MetaWindow, an acoustic panel for noise protection alongside the railway.The certification has been developed and obtained together with DB BahnBau Gruppe Gmbh: MetaWindow will be the first Transparent and High Absorbing panel in the railway industry.

Acoustic performance

Recycled material

Optimized cost

Easy to install


Dr. Richard Lutz
More clarity, less noise: Together with the Italian start-up Phononic Vibes, we have developed transparent soundproofing walls with the highest soundproofing properties. Thanks to the new metatechnology, municipalities no longer have to choose between functionality and appearance, which increases acceptance among residents. The DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH 's "MetaWindow" will be used for the first time this year along the new S4 in Hamburg. Today we present it at the GREENTECH FESTIVAL in Berlin. At the DB booth, everything revolves around ideas and products for a better railway.
As Deutsche Bahn, we launched our Strong Rail Strategy in 2019 to pave the way for the transport transition. Part of this is to drive innovation, for example around construction such as noise barriers. Innovation comes from exchange. It takes courage to try things out and openness to new ideas. That's why we support startups like Phononic Vibes through the DB mindbox. And that's why we are a partner of the Greentech Festival. Only together can we shape the change and contribute to modernising our country and making it fit for the future.